Busy Bee and Contest Updates

I am quite sorry I haven’t been posting as much lately. I have been very busy. I might only post once in a while when I have the time. I am very happy with how my life is going right now but sometimes things like this get pushed to the way side to make way for all that busy bee joy.

However I have not forgotten about the contests I posted a while back which I will again post. There is only until the 30th of this month to be able to enter into these contests. I unfortunately got only one entry for the contests so far which means it won’t be much of a contest. But I will give the monetary prize as desired.

Here are the guidelines again for those interested.

Contest #1: Something From Nothing

(Difficulty level: high)

A challenge/contest to make something without buying anything or using anything you have previously bought.

This includes materials and tools.


  • It has to be a physical object you can touch. You can make anything!
  • You need to show and describe the process of creating the thing using pictures or a video and send it to me at greendragonflies28 @  yahoo.com (without the spaces)
    • tell me your user name and name of creation
    • Please don’t steal/use gifts
    • Do not use tools from a store (jewelry making tools, glue gun, scissors, ect). This is probably what makes this challenge so much more difficult than the one below.
    • If you are using something from nature don’t damage anything (an example of damage would be: picking off anything from plants or animals which will hurt them, littering, ect.
    • Don’t cheat because you will have an unfair advantage and it would ruin the fun

Advice: look for trash on the side of the road and look to nature for your inspiration. It would be very interesting to see a fusion of the two. It would also be nice to have your thing to have a function or a meaning behind it.

I will be picking a top five from what I receive and posting them.

Prize: A $25 e-gift card which I can send to you in an e-mail of your choosing (see link:  http://www.icardgiftcard.com/gift-cards/) or, if you could not make use of that for some reason, I will write you a short story or poem based off a prompt you give me.

Contest #2: Found Creations

(Difficulty level: moderate)

A challenge/contest to make something without buying anything or using anything you have previously bought.

This includes materials but not tools.


  • It has to be a physical object you can touch. You can make anything!
  • You need to show and describe the process of creating the thing using pictures or a video and send it to me at greendragonflies28 @  yahoo.com (without the spaces)
  • tell me your user name and name of creation
  •  Please don’t steal/use gifts
  • If you are using something from nature don’t damage anything (an example of damage would be: picking off anything from plants or animals which will hurt them, littering, ect.)
  • Don’t cheat because you will have an unfair advantage and it would ruin the fun

Advice: look for trash on the side of the road and look to nature for your inspiration. It would be very interesting to see a fusion of the two. It would also be nice to have your thing to have a function or a meaning behind it.

I will be picking a top five from what I receive and posting them.

Prize: A $10 e-gift card which I can send to you in an e-mail of your choosing (see link:  http://www.icardgiftcard.com/gift-cards/) or, if you could not make use of that for some reason, I will write you a short story or poem based off a prompt you give me.

Contests in Summary

For each contest the winner will be decided by how many likes each post gets. For example: I pick 5 posts to publish on my blog. One post gets 2 like, another 3, another 4, another 5, and the last 6. The last post would win the prize because it got the most likes. I repeat this will be how I determine both contests winners. Please do not like your own post and if you do, I will see it and disqualify you. If there is a tie or multiple people win then I will have to divide the cost of the one gift card or simply write poems for the winners. I’m sorry but I don’t have a ton of money or time to cough up here. Remember there are two contests going on and therefore two contexts you could be in if you so desire. I hope I have made myself clear but if you have any questions please comment below.

This entry was posted in Misc..

5 comments on “Busy Bee and Contest Updates

  1. bdh63 says:

    I wondered if you’d stopped… glad to know life is going well for you!!

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