Flower-A-Day Update: Finally Caught Up

I have been sooo busy lately. My sister and her boyfriend are visiting so I have been busy having fun with them. I also hosted a dinner party with my boyfriend on Saturday. Today I finally got a chance to sit down and catch up on crocheting my flowers. Let’s just say I’m probably not going to challenge myself to doing something like this again. Then again it has kept me pretty on track with my end of the month deadline. So I suppose it is all worth it and it actually makes me do something crafty and for the blog. 

Anyhow….you came here for flowers didn’t you? Well here they are! 

I am not weaving in the ends since I saw they might be put on a garland and it might be easier to attach them if they have the strings still hanging. 

Purple Aster

Purple Aster

Pretty Purple Flower

Pretty Purple Flower

Petite Blue Flower

Petite Blue Flower

